Sunday, September 3, 2017

Preparing for the Arrival of Black Reparations

Sankofa‏ - [thread] Serious questions 4 Afrakan people ONLY!

1.) What r our expectations WHEN (not if) we receive reparations given our current economic reality & attitudes?

2.) What dollar amount is sufficient as reparations shy of the complete turning over of the world back to its rightful owners?

Muhammad Rasheed - If it were up to me, they would put about $10 trillion in an interest bearing account, and pay all 40 million Blacks $100K a year for life.

Proletariat‏ - Reps. should be investigated into buying large plots of land to build Afrikan centered schools, hospitals, nursing homes, day care libraries

Sankofa‏ - Both.

Proletariat‏ - It has 2be within a Black Socialist structure. Individual payments would be 2confusing & our ppl would just give the windfall back 2racists!

Muhammad Rasheed - Is there such a Black socialist structure in place somewhere now we can model after? Or do we have to invent one?

Also bear in mind that there have been numerous Black wealthy communities throughout the ages, and in the USA. If we have to build financial literacy training into the Reparations Program, then so be it.

Proletariat‏ - Google black socialist groups and contact them. What we need is for the disconnected groups to join under one umbrella. One people. One love

Muhammad Rasheed - I think it's more important to get them their money, rather than attempt to manipulate them into a situation they will naturally hate.

Do all that "one umbrella" stuff on the other side of the Reparations payout event.

Proletariat‏ - When we finally get Reparations I seriously doubt compensations will be distributed individually. Individual hasn't worked for us. Socialism!

Well we all have an opinion brother. Guess we'll see what happens when we get there.

Muhammad Rasheed - The gov will probably payout using a system model that's already in place, like something similar to that EBT card.

Proletariat‏ - No brother. Rep $ is for building institutions not individual dispersment so that it goes back to the oppressor.

Muhammad Rasheed - I don't understand the "No brother." We're talking about how the gov will probably pay out the Reparations. Why would they build institutions FOR you? They'll pay out the money, and it will be your job to use the money to help yourselves.

I say the money is placed in a Black Reparations Foundation account that pays all 40 mil Black citizens $100K each. Once we no longer have to worry about poverty, THEN we come together and build up the community and our political force for ourselves.

Proletariat‏ - individualism is not the goal. Building black Social institutions R more enduring & cost effective than invidual checks. Black socialism.

Muhammad Rasheed - The social group is composed of the individual. If the individual is not strong, the social group will be inherently weak. Treating the individuals like they don't matter, and are expendable to the state, is the number one failure of the socialist ideology.

FIRST, make sure the person is strong.
SECOND, the family unit.
THIRD, the community.

Then the interconnected community tribes can build up the socialist institutions for longevity. Skipping the critical foundations to go straight to your elitist run socialist institutions will kill us all.

Proletariat‏ - M. Rasheed wrote: "Why would they build institutions FOR you?"

You're not getting it. No one is building shit 4us. We elect a Reparations Council with a board of trustees. We must buy land first 2build

Muhammad Rasheed - I get that FIRST the individuals & their families need to be pulled out of poverty. THEN your councils can play grab-ass with their socialist plans.

Where are the Reparations funds going to come from?

Proletariat - M. Rasheed wrote: "Once we no longer have to worry about poverty, THEN we come together and build up the community and our political force for ourselves."

You should put that vision into place then Brother. No argument here.

Muhammad Rasheed - Well, in this context, curing Blacks of perpetual poverty is supposed to be the primary purpose of the Reparations program.

To me, the most efficient way of doing so is to put $10 trillion in an interest-bearing account, and pay each of the 40 mil Blacks $100K. Pay them $100K a year for life, to them and all their descendants (adjusted for inflation). After that -- and after the novelty of having the specter of poverty lifted from the Black Nation calms down -- then we can plan on community building. If we try to tie up the money first by trying to develop high-level socialist institutions BEFORE the basic needs of the individual & the  family are cured, it will be putting the cart before the horse. It will be VERY wrong. It will demonstrate incompetent leadership, and build instant resentment in the people who were tired of being poor YESTERDAY.

Proletariat‏ - M. Rasheed wrote: "Treating the individuals like they don't matter..."

Your words brother. I never said that.

Muhammad Rasheed - You've made a lot of anti-individual type Tweets that left that impression on me that happen to align with the Classic Socialism ideology. I am 100% open to hearing and understanding what you actually meant if my interpretation is inaccurate.

Proletariat‏ - M. Rasheed wrote: "Skipping the critical foundations to go straight to your elitist run socialist institutions will kill us all."

You're preaching not discussing. Disregarding the fact this isn't ur concept. What I'm doing here, u should implement ur plan there!

Proletariat‏ - Brother you can say whatever you want. I've no problem discussing this but your tone seems challenging. Am I suppose to agree with you?

Muhammad Rasheed - lol No, you're not supposed to agree with me, I'm just saying my piece just as you are saying your piece. Our mutual goal should be to at least express ourselves so that the other understands exactly what our opposing positions are. Right now it seems like you're married to the classic Socialist State > individual concept, and I have no hope of changing your mind. I'm just expressing my own prediction of how the whole thing is most likely going to go down. That's all.

Personally, to be clear, I don't have an issue with the socialist angle, but the individual must be cared for FIRST. Then the family unit.

Proletariat‏ - M. Rasheed wrote: "Our mutual goal should be to at least express ourselves so that the other understands exactly what our opposing positions are."

I disagree.

Start your own plan bro. You're not suggesting you're telling which doesn't sit well with me. This feels like an alpha male thing. You don't have the experience to bend my will Black man. I'm not here to be "educated" bc I've done my research & I'll approach this my way!

Muhammad Rasheed - You disagree that the basic goal of a discussion should be that the two engaged should know what the other is talking about?


Proletariat‏ - Constructive criticism is good. Accept I just see you telling me this won't work & ur plan is better. So act on it & I'll follow ur results!

Proletariat‏ - M. Rasheed wrote: "To me, the most efficient way of doing so is to put $10 trillion in an interest-bearing account, and pay each of the 40 mil Blacks $100K."

Where is that $ to be placed. White institutions? Govt. can freeze funds anytime they want.

Muhammad Rasheed - So where is the money supposed to come from in the first place, if not that very same government you're suddenly skeptical of?

Proletariat‏ - M. Rasheed wrote: "After that -- and after the novelty of having the specter of poverty lifted from the Black Nation calms down -- then we can plan on community building."

That's wrong brother

Muhammad Rasheed - Tell me why you think it's wrong. It seems like common sense based on basic knowledge of human behavior to me. What do you see?

Proletariat‏ - M. Rasheed wrote: "You've made a lot of anti-individual type Tweets that left that impression on me..."

  • Garvey movement 
  • Nation of Islam
  • Black Panther Party 

All Socialist Programs. We make corrections from the past.

Muhammad Rasheed - I don't have an issue with the implementation of socialist programs, just not placed above the needs of individuals and their families. The individual is the foundation of the Black Nation, not the institutions.

Proletariat‏ - M. Rasheed wrote: "Pay them $100K a year for life..."

Where does number come from?

Muhammad Rasheed - I just cobbled it together a few months ago based on how much $10 tril at 3-5% interest would generate, and then divided up among 40 mil people.

That's my very estimated version of my memory of what I calculated. I'm not saying any of the numbers are chiseled in stone. I just threw it out there as a base to work with, since you're sensitive about my 'tone' and my 'preaching' voice.

Proletariat‏ - if I were sensitive you'd have been blocked by now. I welcome good suggestions & reject tough talk tweets. The conscious R getting on board!

Proletariat‏ - M. Rasheed wrote: "I don't have an issue with the implementation of socialist programs, just not placed above the needs of individuals and their families."


Scrapp X-slave‏ - the ONLY way we get REPARATIONs, we have to BOYCOTT work & $$$, for a WEEK, and SEE the EYEs Open , america would shutdown eventually. RTalk

They would act like WE committed a CRIME if WE Stop working for them,and MIGHT try to bring BS charges to lock SOME up,especially CONTRACTs.

Muhammad Rasheed - They will. They've tried that before. We still won.

Look: Black citizens boycott white merchants for U.S. voting rights, Tuskegee, Alabama, 1957-1961

Scrapp X-slave‏ - let me STUDY this , I'll get back Bro , .... THKs for this INFO

Muhammad Rasheed - Black Determination and the force of Black Will applied consistently, overcame their hate.

Scrapp X-slave‏ - I've Already OverCome their Hate , My MIND has been FINE TUNED to be Alert & WARRIOR against a Dumb Devil , they wicked Cowards of IGNORANT

Sankofa‏ - [reparations: the making of amends for a wrong one has done...]

Is it possible to "make amends" for something u have yet to cease doing?

Muhammad Rasheed - lol No. We'll have to make them stop since they pretend they aren't doing anything.

Sankofa‏ - Exactly! There is only ONE way to make them too.*muscle flex*

Muhammad Rasheed - We can make them stop using the force of our economic boycott. They don't think we'll do it, and of course they will receive a massive influx of wealth once Reparations are paid. It'll take us a minute to come down off the high of not being poor anymore. Afterwards we'll be able to think clearly.

First, we'll use our power to get them to stop their evils & abuses, then the Reparations will really be their amends. Afterwards we can begin the long fight towards restitution. That will be way harder than getting Reparations. Giving us free money out of the Federal Reserve's unlimited credit machine is nothing. They could've done that long ago. They haven't yet, not because they can't financially, but because the payout comes with their admitting that they have been evil af.

The self-indoctrination of the 'all-perfect superior master race' has made them too prideful to do what's right by us.

Once we overcome the Reparations hurdle, the far more difficult battle for Restitution will begin. That one will require them to LET GO THAT WHICH THEY HAVE STOLEN, and if the race war doesn't start during the journey for Reparations, it will certainly start there.

Sankofa‏ - I think it way deeper than this.

Muhammad Rasheed - Deeper in what way?

Sankofa‏ - Deeper in that they have been studying us since their emergence into an already old civilization.  They know better than we do our power.

Muhammad Rasheed - It seems like the depths of their study was only to enable them to keep us from competing with them on equal footing. All of their efforts have been to cheat and keep us subjugated while pretending to allow progress & liberty, etc. It's like ALL they want is the money and physical dominance of it all, and care nothing for anything deeper.

Sankofa‏ - They aren't capable of anything deeper; they KNOW there's more & they know they can only get to that through us. The wm's war on Afrakan men is to distract him from protecting the Afrakan womb, thereby disrupting the strength of us all. They can't kill us...they would've already if that were possible. Their great achievement is in the fact that our men believe $ has anything 2 do with the actual protection of our people. If Afrakan men focused 100% on 1. figuring out how 2 provide all basic needs ourselves & 2. making it undeniably clear to wm what would happen if they touch ANY of us, ANYWHERE, we would be fine.

Muhammad Rasheed - See, this is the 'cheating to subjugate us' aspect of it. It's an aspect of their strategy, but it doesn't answer the "Why." The point. They keep the Black Family broken up to keep us from taking our power back, because they want the sole monopoly of wealth/power.

See Also:

Notes While Observing: The White Establishment's Plan for Profiting From Black Reparations

OPERATION: Black Reparations

Keep Calm & Achieve Economic Inclusion

The Black Action Agenda

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