Friday, May 8, 2015

"All Lives Matter" - The Truth Behind the Contemptuous Retort

Muhammad Rasheed - [shared meme]

Muhammad Rasheed - I'm going to assume that's a "yes" since it's also clueless & retarded (watch tril scold me for calling assholes 'retarded' ).

Marc Keelan-Bishop - Mentally disabled people matter too.

Just Ceakou - #goodone

John Kraft - I changed it to #soldierslivesmatter a couple of times but I think I like #alllivesmatter does sound better.

Just Ceakou - Black lives are under attack in epidemic proportions and we are only seeing a fraction of what police are doing to Black people (and of course Latinos). To change this is to show total disregard for the issue at hand and basically it's throwing a tantrum bc the attention isn't on your sect. 


Let that sink in! 

Supporting our troops is a whole other cause. God Bless them.

Muhammad Rasheed -

John Kraft - Too bad it is primarily "blacks killing blacks" so the only ones that black lives don't matter too is other Blacks. In Baltimore most of the Police are black. Most of the citizens are black. The Mayor is black. The Democrats have been in charge. So it is obviously the Whites fault..

Muhammad Rasheed - John, please stop using that as a response. "Black-on-black" crime is no different than "white-on-white" crime, and with comparable percentages. Everyone has that criminal element that preys upon their own poor communities. Criminality isn't about race, it's about opportunity.

Just Ceakou - Okay, I see your mindset. *drop the mic*

John Kraft - Ok I agree there is more white on white on white crime than black on black crime but weapons and death are a far more likely outcome from other than white on white crime.

Muhammad Rasheed - I was specifically taking about white-on-white homicides.

John Kraft - OK white guys tend to plan out their Homicides better with a better success rate of not getting caught and if we get caught we generally put down the weapons and do not run so we do not get shot by police or others with guns. Many people I have thought deserve a late term abortion but decided it was not worth the risk or planning time necessary to pull it off safely.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol

Is your argument really, "White criminals are inherently more intelligent than black criminals because we plan out our evils better?"

Really, John? The logical response to this bullshit of yours traditionally gets the "playing the race card" charge leveled at me. 

I'll allow you the opportunity to reconsider that post.

John Kraft - I will let the comment stand but add more personal observation. I have been in the Military for over 20 years. Moved around many times and seen multiple different locations and groups that divide themselves from others in one way or another. Soldiers are divided by GT score, MOS, Race, Gender, Rank and Pride of uniform. Using the Race one light skinned soldiers tended to ignore the antics of other groups or leave the area while about 10% of the darker skinned soldiers tended to try be in the face or create confrontations to prove themselves. I always made sure to be friendly with soldiers of all groups to protect myself from that 10% of Blacks. Some people just love causing confrontations. Me in some areas too.

John Kraft - The point I am proving is that there is always some willing to argue right or wrong about any topic. Personally I do not care about race but do judge people by attitude. I do make snap judgements about people by the way they dress and am offended by tattoos and visible piercings. I do not judge people by what they can not change.

Andre Owens - Nice to see a bigot admit their prejudice John. And you're welcome for your 20 year paycheck from the taxpayers.

John Kraft - I am a Bigot against stupid people and the uneducated ones who choose not to learn or care. Must be why we are not friends. Thanks to Obama I do not get Welfare or Snap or Medicaid so where where is this paycheck I am to get? I will have to work till I die to pay for freeloaders like you unless you are supporting yourself with your drawings. If you found a job that pays your bills more power too you.

Muhammad Rasheed - John Kraft wrote: “Must be why we are not friends. Thanks to Obama I do not get Welfare or Snap or Medicaid…”

Explain to us how that would be the president’s fault, please. 

John Kraft wrote: “I will have to work till I die to pay for freeloaders like you unless you are supporting yourself with your drawings.”

I’m curious as to whether you automatically assume other white people are “freeloaders like you,” or if you only automatically think that way about black people. There are far more whites on welfare than there are blacks, and that include the poor white communities as well as free gov subsidies to mega-corporations. Tell me, John, if when you look at a random white person, you think “freeloader like you” as one of your first Rorschach mental correlations the way you just did Andre, who you don’t know from Adam. 

And remember, this is for posterity so be honest.

John Kraft - Actually it is the Government in general that is to blame. I have never applied for food stamps or unemployment so I am not subsidized by any group. Of course there are more whites on welfare there are more of them in America. I automatically figure all Democrats are Freeloaders. I also commented after checking his profile that if he supports himself through his drawings good for him.

Muhammad Rasheed - *puts hand out to inspect rifle*

Muhammad Rasheed - John Kraft wrote: "I automatically figure all Democrats are Freeloaders."

Partisan nonsense just like that is the reason why we are broken socio-politically. Of the huge welfare pie, mega-corporation for-profit institutions, with GOP conservatives at the helm, get by far the biggest piece of it in free gov subsidies.

Muhammad Rasheed - Their companies are profitable, yet they talk their political buddies into giving them free money. THAT is the bulk of the welfare problem, with the programs for the poor being a tiny sliver of it, yet that partisan nonsense has brainwashed you into thinking the poor are the problem with the world, and you link it to race.

THAT'S why we're broken.

John Kraft - Why are American poor so much richer than the poor of any other country if it is so bad for them.

Muhammad Rasheed - Why do you believe comparing the quality of life of the poor around the globe relevant to this topic? This sounds like it's coming out of your "go back to Africa if you don't like it when we treat you like fucking shit" racism kit.

Muhammad Rasheed - "You're better off than the poor people in other countries, so shut it" sounds like it might have a communism undercurrent...

Muhammad Rasheed - ...or maybe it's coming from that bullshit "welfare queen" shit Reagan pulled out of his ass? That's it, isn't it?

That concept is a myth. Let it go and focus on curing the country of your own peoples' perpetual wrongs. Everything we're dealing with comes directly from the bullshit your folk inflicted on us. Do you think the "liberal policies that don't work" narrative would even be relevant today if your people hadn't made a habit out of burning down our successful communities throughout American history since Reconstruction?

Do a better job of turning your critical eye inward where the root cause of all of our bullshit actually lies, please.

Muhammad Rasheed - John Kraft wrote: "I have never applied for food stamps or unemployment so I am not subsidized by any group."

There are also blacks who feel the same way about it and enjoy economic successes in black middle class and upper class communities, as they always have, even in freemen communities during slavery. So tell me why white people are so comfortable calling me lazy and associating all blacks with the poor lower classes? You know that the bulk of the American populace is composed of rural whites living below the poverty line, yet you keep assigning that poor shit to me like it is inherent to my very being. 

Racism is a brainwashed indoctrination of unreasonable beliefs, adverse to logic and facts, John. Let it go.

John Kraft - I notice you never commented on the video I linked you too either pro or con. So do you think we expect too little of American Blacks and that is why the news always portrays them misbehaving and claiming it is the whites fault for not being better role models?

Muhammad Rasheed - John Kraft wrote: "I notice you never commented on the video I linked you too either pro or con."

What video? I have no memory of it.

John Kraft wrote: "So do you think we expect too little of American Blacks and that is why the news always portrays them misbehaving and claiming it is the whites fault for not being better role models?"

American history is peppered with the record of resentful, less successful whites burning down our communities, while 50 years ago, our fight for desegregation mysteriously detoured into a suicidal fight for "integration" that isolated the black poor communities, widening the gap between classes, so that we haven't come together as a socio-economic successful group since the last one you burned down. What you expect of us is irrelevant. Focus on yourselves and learn to leave my people alone. Police your own communities; we don't need your "help."

John Kraft - I will be honest that I can not find the video link now but the presenter was Chloe Valdary and she brings up interesting views in all her explanations.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol Define "interesting."

Interesting to someone who sees my people the way your particular demographic does? Do you think this will be "interesting" to me, too, or do you just want to hear my take on it?

John Kraft - Actually she does not pull punches and calls it as she sees it. Unlike Fox or any other network news she is less biased toward any group in her sights.

Muhammad Rasheed - [from Wiki] "ChloƩ Simone Valdary is a pro-Israel political activist and a Zionist. According to The Times of Israel, Valdary 'garnered widespread attention' with an article she wrote in Tablet in which she argued that pro-Palestine activists misappropriate the narrative of the African-American Civil Rights Movement."

Let me assure you that nothing coming out of this person's face would be "interesting" to me. Maybe you only thought you posted it in here. I would definitely have remembered that stuff.

John Kraft - When I had tried to link you to the video I was wanting an honest opinion but now do not care if you check or not.

Muhammad Rasheed - "How she sees it" has value only to her and those that think like her. That poisonous subjective worldview is worthless to me, John. You may keep it.

Muhammad Rasheed - lol I definitely would have given you my honest opinion. You withdraw the offer because you don't care for honesty when it doesn't reinforce your own opinions?

Muhammad Rasheed - I don't blame you. I feel the same way. An honest opinion from a foundation of complete racist bullshit rubs me the wrong way just like the anti-racism honesty talk burns you and yours up.

Muhammad Rasheed - John Kraft wrote: “I will let the comment stand…”

I had a feeling you would. I’ll admit that I respect folk more when they dig their heels in and own their ideologies, instead of backpedaling and pretending they didn’t mean what they said. There are different types of criminal among every race and ethnic group as well, those who do less planning than others. To ignore your own "snap crime of passion" criminals to compare the "carefully planned murder" white criminal to our "snap crime of passion" criminals while ignoring our "carefully planned murder" black criminals is precisely what a racist worldview looks like. In every way. 

John Kraft wrote: “…but add more personal observation. […] I always made sure to be friendly with soldiers of all groups to protect myself from that 10% of Blacks. Some people just love causing confrontations. Me in some areas too.”

So “10% of the dark-skinned soldiers” did XYZ that you disapproved of, and you are implying that that 10% represents what? That because that 10% behaved a certain way does it somehow prove that the entire black race was that way? What was the point of typing this? Are you trying to justify a racist stereotype worldview because you saw 10% of a group behave in a way that confirmed a stereotype in your mind, even though you admit that you yourself also act the way this 10% acted? Your observation doesn’t mean much from an objective analysis standpoint, John.

John Kraft wrote: “The point I am proving…”

You’re actually not proving a point at all, just sharing your subjective opinions with the group. If anything you are proving that your personal worldview is heavily reinforced with the racial stereotypes that are at the root cause of our country's most enduring social problems.

John Kraft wrote: “…is that there is always some willing to argue right or wrong about any topic.”

I’m pretty sure no one needs you to prove that the human being of earth is inherently contentious. Are you not a military dude? 

John Kraft wrote: “Personally I do not care about race…”

I’ll respect you more if you continue to stick to honesty.

John Kraft wrote: “…but do judge people by attitude. I do make snap judgements about people by the way they dress and am offended by tattoos and visible piercings.”

Did Black Americans invent the modern popularity of tattoos and visible piercings? The (very caucasian) First Family of tattooing are all in my FB Friend List. They made their fortune on the new “everyone’s doing it!” trend that came directly from suburban whites deciding it was cool. Again I don’t see the point of why you are bringing up what you’ve decided to bring up here.

John Kraft wrote: “I do not judge people by what they can not change.”

Should I take this seriously and at face value? Your first “observation” above left a very different impression upon me, markedly different from what this sentence claims.

John Kraft - I would say about 17% of the Military is black and I found that about 10% of that 17% were actively searching for ways to get any fair or blanco skinned soldiers in trouble. No other races in the melting pot of the Army seemed to be purposely trying to cause trouble.

Muhammad Rasheed - Your biased way of seeing the world is now well-documented in these two threads. Forgive me if I do not take seriously your efforts of presenting these views as scientifically objective. You see what you want to see, filtered through the lens of this particular form of toxic worldview.

See Also:  The True Meaning of "Playing the Race Card"

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